Leap of Faith
Here's my experience on taking a "Leap of Faith" literally... Situation : My 2 year old daughter locked herself in balcony!!! My wife and me, we both were in adjacent room with this balcony, our daughter was playing and she happens to be in balcony. I wanted to see how she would respond if she don't see her parents for a minute, but consequent events were terrifying. She started to experiment with this door lock from her side... and she got herself LOCKED!!! For a moment I was thoughtless, by this time she realised that she's alone and she started screaming and crying , and then it struck me. First thing is to put her in comfortable situation, stop her panicking so I asked my wife to give her company, assure her that she wasn't alone there. Fortunately there was a window from which my wife could see my daughter and talk to her. Then I started looking for ways to get into balcony... Options I had were, 1. Get a ladder - No, It...